Monday, July 28, 2014

Peace out, July.

James is doing really well. He told us yesterday that he is excited for his baptism, and he has been doing awesome with the Word of Wisdom ever since we taught it to him. Huey is doing awesome as well. We have been talking to him about the things that happen after baptism, and he is wanting to prepare to go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. He has been telling us that he is very excited to be baptized and to receive a calling. He wants to serve The Lord and others so much, and he keeps saying he can't wait until he is able to serve with a calling. We had a "Linger, Longer" after church on Sunday, and Huey was right there helping alongside everyone to get everything set up. On another note, we are trying to get the member missionary effort in the ward rolling more, so we have been doing a couple different things during Priesthood Opening exercises in order to get the members more excited. We were asking if anybody had a missionary experience in the past week, and a couple people shared their experiences. After a little bit, Huey stood up and told everyone how much of a blessing we have been to him. He mentioned how grateful he is that we rode up on our bikes that day and talked to him. I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have had to be able to serve here in Red Bluff so far. I am loving it.

A member talked to us about going to help a lady try and fix her roof, so we  borrowed a ladder from a member that lived close by. After checking her roof out for a bit we started talking to her and asking her what she knew about the church. We ended up teaching her the Restoration and committing her to baptism on September 13th! It was such an awesome miracle. After that we took the ladder back over to the member's house...on our bikes. It was a lot of fun!

The mission is going awesome. I love it so much. Even though it ain't the easiest sometimes, it is so worth it.

Love you guys!

Elder Nielsen

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I Love the Gospel

I just wanted to start off by explaining how great the Gospel is. I know I would be a totally different person without the Gospel in my life from a young age. I am grateful for parents who faithfully attended church and taught me the Gospel while I was young. There are many reasons why I believe the Gospel is true, not the least of which is being able to see the life-changing influence of it in my life and the life of others.

James and Huey are both doing super good. They are going to be baptized on August 9th, and they have such an amazing desire to change their lives. They both smoked before they started living the Gospel, and now they are both doing really well with the Word of Wisdom. They have told us that they have seen the blessings already, and they are excited for baptism. We found them both by talking to people on the street. I love them so much, and they are amazing people with good hearts.

I have been making smoothies for breakfast recently, and it is so awesome. I made a strawberry-banana smoothie this morning, and put some spinach in it too. I thought it would taste a little worse than without spinach, but it was delicious! I'm planning on opening up a smoothie shop out of our apartment. If you want a piece of the profit then invest quick, because the business is going to take off.

We decided to bike to P-day this week instead of getting a ride. Red Bluff is about 25 miles from Anderson, so it is a pretty decent bike ride. It just so happens that we missed a turn and ended up going another 5 miles or so. It was a lot of fun, and we were able to take some pretty sweet pictures of road signs on the way there!

P.S. Please don't let this super cool road sign distract you from the fancy Happy Socks, provided by mama.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Missionary stuff from Red Bluff

We stopped and talked to a lady named Susan on the street as we were biking around last week, and we set up a time for us to stop by again. She didn't seem 100% there, but we were doing the best we could with what we had so we went with it. When we went over to try and meet with her we ended up talking to her neighbor,  Kevin, who was working on his motorcycle in front of his apartment. He told us a bit about himself, and how he never really had the Gospel in his life. We taught him a bit about he message of the Restoration, and when we invited him to learn more he said "I would like that. I need that in my life." We gave him a Book of Mormon, and set up a time to come by again. It was pretty neat to see, because we were doing the best we could with who we were working with and we ended up picking up a more solid investigator. The Lord blesses us as we try our best!

James is doing so well in the Gospel so far. It has been so neat to see his progression in just the few short weeks that we have been working with him. Every time we have an appointment we have him pray at the end, and his prayers have become progressively more sincere every time. He has realized how much he is truly searching for the truth, and he has been praying for God to guide him to what is right. He came to church this past week, and he really enjoyed it! He said he is going to come back next week. He is such an awesome guy, and I love working with him because of his sincerity and real intent.

Huey is doing great as well. He is still preparing for his baptism on August 2nd, and he is excited for it. He gave up smoking this past week, and he told us "No more cigarettes. I promise." Huey is so amazing. He has so much faith, and he has such a kind heart. He has been coming to church every week for the past couple weeks and things are going well. He is almost through 2nd Nephi right now, and he just keeps chugging along through he Book of Mormon. He loves it, and it is so awesome to see his testimony and how it has grown.

Love you guys! Have a good week!

Elder Nielsen

Monday, July 7, 2014

Baking in Red Bluff

Alrighty, so it has been crazy hot here in Red Bluff. We were getting around 110 a couple times during the week, and it was killer. Perks of being the only bike missionaries in one of the hottest zones in the mission - you are also the most tan missionaries! We are enjoying being on bikes, and we are drinking a lot of water!

We are still working with Huey, and he is progressing really well. He has a baptismal date for August 2nd, and he is getting pretty excited for it. He is working on some Word of Wisdom issues right now, including a question of whether or not God has asked us to abstain from tea. He is praying about it right now, so we are sure he is going to recognize his answer. He has been coming to church, and he seems to really enjoy it! I am so glad we followed the prompting of the Spirit to go where we were to be able to talk to him, because he has definitely been prepared.

We got transfer calls last night, and since I am still training Elder Duce we stayed the same here. We only have one change in our district, and there is a new sister coming in...named Sister Nielsen. It is going to be pretty interesting, because we are serving in the same ward too!

Elder Nielsen