Monday, April 7, 2014

"if you believe all these things, see that ye do them."

Hello, all!

I hope you all enjoyed General Conference. I know I did! Now we get to bless our lives by acting on those things we have learned, hence the subject line (Mosiah 4:10). If we believe something will bless us, then we might as well put it into effect instead of putting it away in a filing cabinet to attend later on!

We had dinner at our ward mission leader's house this past week. He invited his less-active friend to come as well. We tried to figure out what kind of message we could share that would really help his friend. We were looking through some Mormon Messages to see if any of them would be good to share. We came to "Waiting on the Road to Damascus" that was based on a talk by Elder Uchtdorf. While we were watching it I just had a feeling that we needed to show that video. At dinner, we watched the video and talked about it for a couple minutes. After dinner our ward mission leader and his friend were giving us a ride to the church for another appointment. His friend turned around and said, "Can I ask you why you showed that video?" We told him that we had prayed to figure out what Heavenly Father wanted us to show and felt that we needed to show that specific video. He told us that video was exactly what he needed, and he thanked us for it. Promptings from the Spirit are real!

We had a lesson with the Pillay family this last week, and we invited them to come back to church. Their answer seemed to make things a bit clearer than we had understood in the past. They told us they need to work through some personal things before they can commit, and they really love the church and the people they have met there. I hope everything goes well for them in the future because they are such an amazing family.

One of my favorite talks from conference was Elder Uchtdorf's, speaking on gratitude. I loved when he said, "Gratitude is the catalyst to all Christlike attributes." It seems that if we want to be more like Christ than having gratitude is a pretty important thing! I know gratitude brightens the blessings and shrinks the sorrows that we all receive in life.

Elder Nielsen

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