Monday, January 27, 2014

Like a Rosevillian

Hello everybody!

We were finally able to meet with Leeann this past week. We kind of tracted into her about a month and a half ago while trying to contact a potential investigator. She told us that we could stop by another time, and so we had been trying to set something up with her for quite awhile! We brought one of the ward missionaries with us, and the lesson was awesome. She told us that she had met with missionaries before while she was in High School, and then she invited her pastor over so they could all talk and the pastor kind of bashed on the missionaries...but she told us she isn't going to do that! She didn't want him to bash or anything, but it just turned out that way. We taught her about the Book of Mormon, and the ward missionary bore a powerful testimony on how he came to know that it was true. We invited Leeann to read it and she accepted. We are looking forward to meeting with her this week!

We are having a crazy drought here in Northern California. We have heard that it is the worst drought that has come through in 500 years! That is serious business! All of the wards and stakes have received instruction from the First Presidency to fast specifically for rain this fast Sunday, so we should be seeing a downpour in about a week or so! I hope it rains really soon, because I miss the rain a lot!

We met with Kimberly once last week, and we were teaching her about studying the scriptures daily. We are really trying to help her read every day. She tells us that she is wanting to, so hopefully that desire really pushes her to read every day! We were going to meet with her near the end of the week for a 2nd lesson, but things have been really crazy for her. She had to stay away from her house because her ex-boyfriend who had abused her was being a threat. She has so much going on in her life, and I think it is so cool how she is just trying to push on past all of it to make changes in her life in order to live the Gospel. We have been praying for her, and we are just hoping for the absolute best.

Last night we went to go contact the neighbor of one of the members in our ward. We biked over there really quickly because it was getting late, and we were hoping to get home on time. On the way over my tired popped, and so I ran the rest of the way over there! We talked to the member's neighbor, and he was nice but he told us he wasn't interested. After that, Elder Ure biked and I ran with my bike the way back home. I felt pretty majestic running through Roseville in my white shirt and tie!

I have a testimony of the youth theme for this year, "Come unto Christ." As I have tried to do the things that are pleasing to Heavenly Father I have felt His love for me more than ever before. We were at a member's house for dinner last night, and we were talking about prayer as part of the spiritual thought. I told them that we have a ton of exciting and spiritual experiences as missionaries. We get to meet amazing people, as well as witness miracles as we exercise our faith. I then told them that some of my favorite experiences I have had on my mission have been when I was able to simply kneel down next to my bed at the end of the day and talk to my Father in Heaven. I know that He loves us no matter what, and He wants us to be the very best we can. I actually started tearing up a little bit while sharing my testimony at the member's house, which was really surprising to me because I didn't expect to do that! I have a testimony that Heavenly Father loves each of us more than we can comprehend, and we are able to feel His love more and more as we "Come unto Christ."

Love you all!

Elder Nielsen

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