Monday, June 23, 2014

Will work for miracles

This week was filled with a lot of miracles. We have been trying to be diligent, and the Lord has blessed us so much! We had a lesson with one of our investigators, Huey, last Monday evening, and we shared the message of the Restoration with him. He explained to us that he has been looking for a church where he can feel the Spirit and worship, but he just hasn't found the one that feels right to him. He then told us how he felt like we were led to him just a week or two ago, and we told him we felt the same way. At the end of the lesson we extended a baptismal invitation for August 2nd, and he accepted it! He said he wants his wife to learn as well, so we are hoping to meet with her soon. He and his wife both came to church and they really enjoyed it, and the members were incredibly welcoming to them. Things are definitely headed in the right direction!

About the middle of the week we were trying to contact some potential investigators that all live in an apartment complex. No one was answering the door, and there wasn't anyone outside that we could talk to for the first couple of minutes. We saw a man and started talking to him, but he told us he was maintenance at the apartment and didn't have time at the moment. Later on we OYMed the manager of the apartment, and we had a conversation with her for about 10 minutes about the church. She let us know that she was not interested though. However, it gave us the chance as we were leaving to talk to the maintenance man for just a second more and ask if there would be a time when we could come back and share more with him, and he said yes! When we went back for the appointment he told us he only let us come back because he wanted to be polite, but he said we could share a message. We shared the message of the Restoration with him, and we promised him that he would be able to grow closer to God if he exercised faith to read from the Book of Mormon. He told us that he has been wanting to grow closer to God for a few years, but wasn't sure how. We invited him to be baptized on August 9th, and he accepted the invitation. Heavenly Father is leading us to prepared people!

We talked to another guy this week, and he told us that he wants to teach us how to make styrofoam remote-controlled airplanes. We just have to go over any P-day, and he will give us everything we need. It should be fun!

To finish the week off, we were trying to visit some potentials on Sunday night and we weren't having a whole lot of success with it. We texted one of the members who has been having a really hard time recently and asked if we could come over and visit him. He said we could, and so we went over there around 8:15. We started talking to one of his friends, Devin, that came to church with the member that day, and he said that he had taken the lessons from the missionaries before. He expressed to us that he loved the church and was planning on coming back next week. We were able to sit down and share the Restoration with him, and the member was bearing powerful testimony of how the gospel has blessed his life. The member and Devin are both recently recovering drug-addicts, and the member told Devin how the Gospel has blessed him. We invited Devin to be baptized on July 26th, and he accepted it! The Lord has blessed us with so many miracles because of our efforts to be diligent, and those efforts are definitely paying off.

Also, I hope you have an awesome birthday mom. I love you! You are the best.

I love you all, and I hope you have an awesome week!

Elder Nielsen

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