Monday, February 24, 2014

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart"

Good morning Everyone!

This past week we have spent most of our time focusing on trying to help the Indian family we have been working with. We were able to meet them a couple of times this past week, and we were preparing them for their baptism for this Saturday, March 1st. They came to church on Sunday, and they announced their baptism over the pulpit and everything. It was super awesome to see the welcome that they were receiving from the ward. Steven turned to our ward mission leader during Priesthood meeting, and he said, "I feel like a rockstar!" It was so funny to be able to hear that from him, because he is one of the most humble people I have ever met.

We had a really tough experience with them just this morning, however. We taught Steven and his family the law of tithing yesterday, and they said that it would be really difficult for them to live it because they support some of their family that lives back in South Africa. They said they would think about it and discuss it. Steven called us this morning, and I answered the phone. He said that they aren't going to go through with the baptism this Saturday. I had always heard of those stories where an investigator calls to cancel the baptism, but I didn't know how it would feel nor did I expect it to happen. It hurt so bad to hear him say that. What has helped me is knowing the Lord has a plan. No matter how narrowly I see things I know the Lord has a plan for them. I am glad that I was able to take a part in sharing the Gospel with them. It is still so hard knowing that they aren't ready to fully accept it now, but I have hope in the Lord's plan for them in the future.

This is the last week of the transfer, and there is a possibility that I could get shipped out of Roseville. I have been here for 3 transfers, and with Elder Ure for 2. We will see! I will have the news next Monday, so I will let you all know then.

I love you all! I hope you have a good week!

Elder Nielsen

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